Our first stop along the St. Lawrence arrived earlier than expected: a gale was forecasted, but a little later than reality. So, off Baie Comeau, we had to return to port rather than continue our journey. Easier said than done when you have 30/35 knots of wind on the nose, given the currents and waves.
Hour after hour and mile after mile, we finally reach the Baie Comeau marina at 3 am, after nearly 12 hours. Tired, wet but happy to be docked, the crew finally takes the time to eat dinner and put everything out to dry. We take this opportunity to do some odd jobs (refill propane, insulate the boat even further, check the new engine filters, etc.). We also take a quick visit to Garden of the Glaciers. This organization observes glaciers around the world to help understand climate change — Grant and Pascale are two of their ambassadors. They have a beautiful exhibition of the glaciers of Chamonix. Given our busy schedule, we can’t stay long.