Looking back: The lessons of IPY

The first modern International Polar Year (IPY) in 2007-2008 focused global attention on scientific research at both poles. Starting from the efforts of a small number of enthusiasts and agencies, and by building on existing multinational collaborations and science programs, IPY has developed into a world-wide, community-based effort.

This week, thousands of researchers, community members and governmental officials are meeting in Montreal to turn the knowledge we’ve gained since then into action.

Appropriately, the Polar Research Board (PRB) is taking a look back at the lessons and legacies of that pivotal first year with a new report:

Get the report:

Download “Lessons and Legacies of the International Polar Year

Join a webinar on the report

May 2 at 1:00 PM EDT

A presentation and discussion with co-chairs Bob Bindschadler and Julie Brigham-Grette

Register here or contact Lauren Brown for more information.

The Polar Research Board is a unit of the National Academies dedicated to enhancing understanding of the Arctic, Antarctic, and high-latitude regions and providing guidance to Congress, federal agencies, and the nation on cold region issues.