Narwhal Camp 2018: All systems go
With the arrival by helicopter of the last two members of the team, it’s all systems go to put final touches on the underwater monitoring systems in Tremblay.
Read moreWith the arrival by helicopter of the last two members of the team, it’s all systems go to put final touches on the underwater monitoring systems in Tremblay.
Read moreThe Swedish Postcode Lottery has awarded almost $700,000 USD (570,000 EUR) for three WWF wildlife conservation projects in the Arctic.
Read moreIf the Arctic Council is to be a relevant regional and global force capable of addressing the difficult governance issues facing the Arctic region, it must adopt a long-term strategy that embraces a stronger system of cooperation and implementation.
Read moreThe Barents Region is a model for sustainable economic development in the North.
Read moreThe Barents Region is the most developed, populated and fastest growing part of the Arctic. While climate change is a strong global force, other forces might be more important locally.
Read moreAddressing the impacts of climate change in the Arctic needs a transdisciplinary approach that includes science, traditional knowledge, and shared experiences from Indigenous people’s within and outside the Arctic.
Read moreThe science presented in Halifax builds on our understanding of the new pressures that animals are facing in a warming Arctic.
Read moreThis article originally appeared in issue 02.17 of The Circle. See all issues of The Circle here. For a more in-depth look at walrus conservation, download WWF’s report The State of Circumpolar Walrus Populations. Diminishing sea ice means polar bears and walrus are spending more time on land. Will this lead to more conflict between the two […]
Read moreCounting walruses is difficult, complex and labour intensive usually requiring repeat visits to haulout sites.
Read moreThe Pacific walrus has long been a staple of subsistence for the Indigenous peoples of northeastern Russia and the Inuit of Alaska in the United States.
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