Looming challenges

This article originally appeared in issue 01.17 of The Circle. See all issues of The Circle here.

For much of the Arctic Council’s existence, climate change has been a driver behind the Council’s priorities. Now its latest update on climate science has been released, and LARS-OTTO REIERSEN says the climate-driven regime shift calls for urgent attention.


AFTER A LONG, STABLE PERIOD of thick multiyear ice, thinner one-year ice now characterizes Arctic sea ice cover; permafrost is thawing and snow cover extent is declining. The effects of changes in the Arctic sea ice extent have even been documented in southern latitudes, including South East Asia according to the new scientific assessment Snow, Water, Ices and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA 2017). These findings presented by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) to the Arctic Council Ministerial conference in May, 2017 update the earlier SWIPA assessment conducted by AMAP in 2011. These physical changes have already resulted in effects on Arctic ecosystems and societies, and together with regional and global socio-economic drivers documented in the three regional AMAP reports on Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic underscore an urgent need to improve adaptation strategies and actions to face this new reality. These changes are expected to continue for at least the next several decades.

According to the SWIPA 2017 assessment, Arctic temperatures will continue to increase and by 2040-50 the annual mean air temperature for areas north of 60°N will be 4-5°C higher than the reference period independent of any mitigation actions. This is due to the inherent input and transfer of energy (Fig.1). This figure also illustrates what may happen if no reduction is initiated – with the yearly average temperature potentially increasing by 10°C by 2100, and in winter months (November – March) by 13°C. If actions according to the Paris agreement (http:// unfccc.int/paris_ agreement/ items/9485. phpt) are implemented, the increase might be reduced to 5-6°C on aver and 7°C in the winter months (blue curve reflecting the rcp 4.5). Therefore, the sooner mitigation action is initiated, and the more comprehensive this action, the greater its effect will be in reducing the long-term impact of the projected temperature rise in 2100.

Science, however, must still clarify numerous questions to help prepare for the near- and long-term future in the Arctic and the influence of climate change on southern latitudes. The priority will be to convey the new results to people living in the North and to decision makers so that the policy perspective of the new documentation can be understood.

Priorities include:

LARS-OTTO REIERSEN is the Executive Secretary of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) Secretariat.