I do not know where to start. Today, at more than 74.5 latitude, we have experienced more Arctic wildlife than most people do in a lifetime:
- more than 600 walruses
- five polar bears
- three snowy owls
- muskox
- reindeer
- stoat
- siberian lemming
- red-necked stint
- thick-billed murre
- snow bunting
- arctic tern
- pomarine and long-tailed skuas
- and to our surprise, breeding Sabine’s Gull.

On top of that we sampled DNA from polar bear, walrus and arctic wolf (the last from scat).
Tomorrow we will move 50 kilometer south to a sand spit with more than 400 walruses. We do not know how we can top this, but I guess something unexpected could still happen.
– Tom