April 2015: Bowheads in spring
Some satellite-tagged bowhead whales are still transmitting signals, 2 years later.
Read moreSome satellite-tagged bowhead whales are still transmitting signals, 2 years later.
Read moreThis week, Arctic governments are meeting in Norway to talk about Arctic biodiversity. But they need to do more than talk. They’ve invested in reams of excellent research on life in the Arctic – now they need to act! They’ll make commitments this April, when the United States begins its chairmanship of the Arctic Council. […]
Read moreArctic whale specialist Pete Ewins gives us an update on the bowhead whales being tracked by Nunavut Wildlife Management Board and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada.
Read moreArctic whale specialist Pete Ewins gives us an update on the bowhead whales we’re tracking by satellite.
Read moreThe narwhals have stopped transmitting signals.
Read moreThe 4 narwhals still with working satellite transmitters are now spending most of their time towards the edge of the Canadian continental shelf, at the edge of Davis Strait, not far from the international boundary with Greenland.
Read moreTwo of the narwhals have struck out fast along the coast, now off Auyittuq National Park in southeast Baffin Island.
Read moreWith so much latent heat still in the water column, the Arctic sea ice is slow in reforming again this autumn. Our 4 narwhal with radio transmitters still working are moving fairly slowly SE along the North Baffin coastlines.
Read moreWell, after 10 months, the final narwhal radio has either fallen off or is malfunctioning! Not at all bad though, and the adult female still transmitting position signals into mid June was right up there as one of the longest datasets yet for telemetry/radio-tracking of this species!
Read moreVisit the WWF narwhal tracker May 2012 As of May 13th, sea-ice in the Baffin Bay system is changing rapidly now, with already large areas of open water at the northern end (an area commonly referred to as the Northwater Polynya, where due to factors such as water circulation, wind and upwellings extensive areas of […]
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