The coolest office
Being out in the field, you sometimes encounter challenges, like having an open office in the High Arctic.
Read moreBeing out in the field, you sometimes encounter challenges, like having an open office in the High Arctic.
Read moreI was sitting by the computer transferring some pictures, when something caught my eye, far away from the boat.
Read moreAt distance, a single polar bear is in sight. It is like a light dot in a enormous white landscape.
Read moreTom Arnbom on the rapid and worrying change to Svalbard’s sea ice.
Read moreA lack of sea ice is changing the expedition’s route.
Read moreWhere do the Laptev Sea walruses fit in the big story?
Read moreThe lack of sea ice here and the quest for Arctic oil and gas means that exploration for resources has started in the Laptev Sea.
Read moreToday, at more than 74.5 latitude, we experienced more Arctic wildlife than most people do in a lifetime.
Read moreIn the middle of 400 walruses, on a small piece of ice, is the king — a fat male polar bear.
Read moreMy old boyhood dream is now reality – I’m on my way to the Laptev Sea.
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