Arctic mammals and the big picture
What’s happening with the Arctic’s marine mammals
Read moreWhat’s happening with the Arctic’s marine mammals
Read moreThis week, Arctic governments are meeting in Norway to talk about Arctic biodiversity. But they need to do more than talk. They’ve invested in reams of excellent research on life in the Arctic – now they need to act! They’ll make commitments this April, when the United States begins its chairmanship of the Arctic Council. […]
Read moreArctic whale specialist Pete Ewins gives us an update on the bowhead whales we’re tracking by satellite.
Read moreI woke this morning to a completely calm languid sea, really glassy in parts, and the sight of minke whales around the boat. Fantastic! There seemed to be many young, very small whales together with the older ones. Occasionally a larger animal would come quite close to us apparently out of curiousity. Lots of white beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirotris) had followed the boat during the dawn hours and also surface around us. It makes you realise that this is home to many, many animals despite seeming empty to us.
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