Shocking bears
One constant in the world of bears is that people and bears are increasingly getting in each other’s way.
Read moreOne constant in the world of bears is that people and bears are increasingly getting in each other’s way.
Read morePolar bears don’t deserve their bloodthirsty reputation.
Read moreThis article originally appeared in The Circle 02.16. The rapidly changing Arctic faces new challenges. Therefore, new approaches to marine governance are needed to ensure the sustainability of the entire region and a healthy Arctic Ocean. The Arctic Council (AC) is evolving from a science dialogue forum to policy shaping regional instrument. Improving the implementation […]
Read moreInternational interest in the Arctic increased spectacularly between 2004-2008. This was due to a number of events including the 2004 Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, the dramatic Arctic sea-ice loss in 2007 and Russia planting its flag on the geographical North Pole’s deep sea-bed that same year. As Erik Molenaar writes, the flag planting triggered a […]
Read moreAt sea, we only have a few centuries of experience in developing rules which, Alistair Graham observes, seem to be more about maintaining traditional freedoms than being mindful of others’ interests.
Read moreRapid changes in climate, environment and sea ice conditions combined with a heightened interest from the environmental, scientific and business communities has ignited the Inuit’s drive to establish a framework for managing the Pikialasorsuaq area.
Read moreExploring Lancaster Sound, a remote and biodiverse region in Canada’s high Arctic, is easier than ever thanks to this new interactive map launched today.
Read moreAmerican and Russian scientists team up in Alaska’s remote Chukchi Sea
Read moreEliminating the use by ships of Heavy Fuels Oil (HFO) in the Arctic moved closer to reality this week in London.
Read moreJust how many polar bears are there in the world?
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